Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Presentation Handout -- Hydraulic Fracturing: Manipulation of Enthymeme to Suppress Technological Truth

  • As oil and gas interests face resistance from New Mexican communities on fracking, some have employed professional documents to tout its benefits
  • These documents only present one side of the argument, suppressing technical discourse
  •  In this paper, I argue that the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association brochure functions as more than a professional document: it is also an enthymeme, but with the unstated premise deliberately kept out of the reach of the audience.

  • New Mexico is the third largest producer of energy in the U.S., largely due to petroleum and gas production
  • Recent increases in production are due to unconventional drilling techniques in the Permian and San Juan basins
  • Top producing counties in NM are rural, impoverished, and uneducated
  • NMOGA produced a brochure designed to appeal to these NM communities

·      Simple, short, easy-to-read sentences
·      Logical, seemingly factual arguments presented with no sources
·      Avoidance of technical information
·      Appeal to familiarity over fact
·      Professional design
·      Branding
·      No source info—NMOGA presented as expert
·      Plays on emotions associated with poverty by aligning fracking with money and education
·      Calling attention to funding distracts from health and environmental impacts

Comparison to Technical Discourse
  •  NMOGA Brochure vs. EPA Study of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water Resources: Progress Report
  • Glossed over facts and vague discourse vs. rigorous data analysis, new research, scenario analysis

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