Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nutshell Report: MEXICO


“Poor Mexico! So far from God, and so close to the United States!” (MLA 45)
-Porfirio Díaz
Political Climate
Colonialismà Nationhood/DictatorshipàMexican RevolutionàDemocracy

·      1519 began the Spanish reign over indigenous people of Mesoamerica.
·      Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1810.
·      Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed in 1848 as a result of the Mexican American War.
·      El Porfiriato (1876-1911) Porfirio Díaz was in the Mexican presidency for 35 years.
·      Mexican Revolution 1910: Precipitated by the oppressed.
·      Rebels like Emilio Zapata from Southern Mexico and Pancho Villa from Northern Mexico were household names during the revolution.
·      1930’s President Cardenas creates stronger ties with US for foreign oil, PEMEX was created as a state oil monopoly.
·      1973 Inflation was out of control, causing Mexico immense economic hardship and struggles with foreign affairs and investors.
·      1980 Mexico discovers vast quantities of oil: 70-200 billion barrels.

North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA)
·      Implemented in 1992, an agreement between Canada, Mexico and the United States that would promote the free flow of goods, eliminating tariffs and trade barriers.
·      Hopes of NAFTA were to attract investment, stimulate employment and provide economic growth.  
·      “Mexico believed that NAFTA would to provide economic leverage with the rest of Latin America serving as a “bridge” between the developing worlds and the develop world as a representative and interlocutor for aspiring peoples of the south.” (MLA 75)

“Like it or not, the destiny of Mexico has been unavoidably intertwined with the United States.” (45)

·      Border of 2,000 miles with the United States
·      Abundance of Oil
·      Lots of agricultural lands
·      According to the Secretary of Environment, Mexico is known as one of the 18 mega diverse countries in the world
·      Dry climate in the North & Tropical lowlands in the South

Environmental Struggles
·      Hazardous waste disposal
·      Many natural and freshwater resources are scarce and polluted in North
·      Poor air quality in large cities e.g., Mexico City, Guadalajara, Juarez
·      Second fastest deforestation rate after Brazil (BBC News, 2011)

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