Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Venezuela: Environmental Issues

  • Known for the “petroleum bonanza” that forever changed the face of the country
  • Venezuela was not tempting for conquest
           -The Spaniards eventually took over but expectations were small
           -It soon became known for its livestock and agriculture
           -Its main role was to produce food for New Spain (Mexico)
  • Caracas
         -became the central hub of political and economic life
         -became empowered and wanted independence
Petroleum Age (1908-1940)
  • Juan Vicente Gomez –President of Venezuela
  • Oil was becoming essential for industrial development and military strength
  •  Under Gomez, Venezuela was now in the petroleum age and everything changed.
  • “The government had only to produce scraps of official paper granting rights to drill on relatively worthless agricultural land” all petroleum profits were free.
  • 1914: concessions were not equivalent to sales-subsequent law said that concessionaires would have rights to exploration of designated parcels not outright ownership.
  • 1922: the law changed when the parcels were increased and lengthened periods of exploitation. 
  • 1926: petroleum became the country’s chief export
  • 1929: Venezuela was the largest oil exporter in the world

Dutch Disease (Royal Dutch/Shell)
  •  An increase of oil production restricted Venezuela’s overall ability to create and maintain other industries.
  • Government ignored serious social problems, including education, health, infrastructure, agriculture, and domestic industries
  • Caused Venezuela to fall behind other industrialized countries
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 1950S-1960S:
  • Goals: Five countries (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela) working together in order to secure and stabilize the international oil prices.
The Years of Decline 1970s-1990s
  • 1973: Oil crisis
  • By the 1980s oil prices plummeted again.
  • 1990s: More symptoms of Dutch Disease
  • 1990-1998: industrial production declined
·         Hugo Chavez took office
·         Policy changes involving the oil industry were made
·         Strengthened Venezuela and other national industries to create a more developed nation.
·         Made drastic changes for the nation and became a historical figure.

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