Sunday, April 13, 2014

Where I Come From Poem

From where I was raised
And from where I was born
Not much has changed
Except for the clothes that I had worn.

The Mountains are still there
Only farther away
There are fewer trees with pine
And taller figures that in the wind have less sway.

My family home was a red brick
A typical neighborhood house
My mom kept if very clean
And sometimes my dad would help out his spouse.

My mom would take care of my sister and I
In any way we needed.
Whether it be of food or clothes
Anything she always heeded.

My sister and I would play in our backyard
Which was full of green and life.
This was the passion of my dad’s
Not of his wife.

Flowers of Iris and grass of blue
Bordered our backyard inside and out.
Vines flourishing on the patio walls
With blooming flowers in Spring ready to sprout.

My sister and I had a complex relationship
She was talkative and demanding.
But once we got older and we hung out more
Like new tires on a car it was better handling.

My family home is the place where I feel most safe and at home,
Every Sunday I return to eat dinner with the family in the den.
My sister, my dad, my mother, and my dog Sammy,
Now and then.

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